Thursday 27 June 2013

out on the street

I find street style much more interesting than runway style. It could be partly because the models and prices make runway style seem a bit inaccessible (also a little too perfect?). But I think the main reason is that street style is such a personal expression of creativity, and every little detail has something to do with the person wearing it (and not a stylist, or a designer, or money-making, or trend-dictating); their tights might have a hole because they climbed over a fence that morning, or their shoes are shiny because they're new, or their light grey leggings have a muddy paw-print because they're that nice woman we passed on Saturday to whom Joe said hi before we could stop him (after which we beat a hasty retreat). I particularly like city style; I know there are people with an innate sense of great style who could live in a basement without tv or internet and still wear incredible stuff (like my friend Iki, who styled the ghost chips ad - damn straight, I'm proud of him!), but I'm not one of them; my clothes have always been better when I've been spending a lot of time in the city.

So anyway, here's a round up of recent street style I like from around the internet.

(I really like this woman's unexpected shoes. She probably wouldn't think it complimentary but I mean it to be; the look reminds me a teeny bit of a punk Angus Young.)

                    (Don't be fooled; those are definitely his empties - now he's fishing out some beef jerky.)

 (Canadian tuxedo - with or without the jacket - forever.)

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The last two aren't strictly what I consider to be street style; they're taken before shows, but I had to add them because I never see seventies looking shorts in denim (and they're a welcome change from Levi's cut-offs - this isn't to say I don't like the latter; I have several pairs waiting for the shop to open), and because the woman in the red dress looks just beautiful. How I would love to see someone looking like her when we go to town in half an hour! I know, be the change etc... but who can be bothered when it's this cold.

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