Wednesday 26 June 2013

more not vintage and not clothes... and a song for wednesday

I've come to realise there's a fine line between being into movies and music in a cool way, and being a film/music-geek. I'd like to say I crossed those lines, but I don't think I was ever on the cool side of either; I've always been obsessive about music (did anyone else even know that iTunes had a tab for each song where you could fill in information about the track? I did, and I used to spend hours filling in lyrics. And we didn't have the internet then, so it was all from memory, or pausing the song every five seconds. Mm hmm), and my love of film extends from the totally inaccessibly obtuse end of the spectrum to the embarrassingly superficial - I'll watch almost anything (I have my limits; I'd rather grate my face than watch The Hangover: whatever its subtitle is). Jimmy and I decided to write down every movie we watched a couple of years ago (nerd alert! nerd alert!) and ended up well above a hundred (and that was on top of watching entire series' of now finished tv shows, and keeping up with our favourite new ones. And that was before I was a bum and a hermit).

Why am I telling you this? Because yesterday, the programme for the Auckland instalment of the New Zealand International Film Festival came out, and because my friend Tia is awesome (and possibly because my whining has adverse effects on her), two copies arrived at my little house today. What is between those covers is almost all I can concentrate on today; even typing this is killing me a bit, as I've had only the briefest flick-through, and this year will require the most careful planning yet, as I'll only be in Auckland for part of it. You already know I love Christmas. You know the song The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year? I sing that twice a year (making the sentiment a little redundant, but I have a lot of enthusiasm to spread around); at Christmas, and in the second half of July, when the film festival hits town. All of a sudden daytime movie going is considered cultured and not self-indulgent, and seeing more than one movie in a day is fandom and not loserdom, and choosing a movie is hard because there are so many great ones and not because everything has Bradley Cooper in it. All of a sudden, there are wonderful movies everywhere, and some of them are at the CIVIC. It's magic.

Here are trailers for two films that leapt out at me (and neither of which are playing when I'm there; so cruel is life). If you don't think you'll see the movie, do look up Charles Bradley's story; it will make you cry and cheer. Stand by for more (I already know there's a new Jim Jarmusch in there!), and a return to clothes (I promise).

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