Monday 1 July 2013

three things

I stayed in bed a long time this morning; partly because I thought I was still too sore from pine-coning yesterday (that sounds funny and potentially dirty, but I was collecting actual pine-cones; and grumpy and let loose with a hammer, I think I was pretty formidable) to get up, and partly because I was reading about Harriet Tubman... Time's a wastin', so I'll get on with it.

1. I spent most of Saturday catching up with things on Jezebel, and read that Prada has cast a black campaign model for the first time in 19 years (the last being Naomi Campbell, in 1994). Between 1993 and 2009, Prada had no black runway models either; the fashion house is notorious, even within a demonstrably racist industry, for rarely using Asian models, and even more rarely, black models. I know there is something to celebrate in this landmark casting, but the time lapse infuriates me, and I won't be featuring Prada or any other house with a similar record on this blog (or buying anything from them) until I'm convinced that something has changed. Do it with me!

I realise some people might not think diversity in fashion and advertising is such a big deal. If you're one of them, you might like to read this, also from Jezebel, about the impact an advertisement featuring a family with parents from different ethnic backgrounds has had on a woman with the same background. It's such a simple but crucial gesture; a sign of acknowledgement and acceptance, and even as a ploy to get your business, it says your business is desirable. Furthermore, for children, visibility means possibility. This was made so clear on Campbell Live a few months ago, when a primary-aged Pacific Island boy was asked to name his favourite player in the Breakers. When asked for the reason for his choice, his answer was that the player was a Pacific Islander, like him, and if he had been able to become a basketball player, maybe the boy could too.

2. There's something I really like about this couple, Sabrina and John, on Two Kools. It might be that she's a babe, and reminds me of Bianca Jagger with her ridiculous bone structure. It might be that I like to wear Jimmy's clothes, and hope they look like this on me. It might be because I love a couple in chucks (particularly when it includes a woman in hi-tops). Or it might be that they look so grown-up and sophisticated and full of genuine inner confidence that even though I would usually laugh at sunglasses like John's, not only would I not dare to do so, I might even compliment him on them out of fear (and deference to Sabrina). Yes, I am the pits.

3. This picture was on stuff on Friday, and I love it. I'm totally partial because I think Marlon Brando is a champion anyway, but his style here is ace.

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