Monday 27 May 2013

three things

1. Instead of working on my business plan, I've spent the morning finishing my book, The Book Thief (many tears have been shed today). My subsequent (and lighter) train of thought has led me to Shoshanna Dreyfus from Inglourious Basterds, and how much I loved her style. Not only her clothes; but they were easiest to emulate, so lots of woollen jerseys and '40s trousers have since made their way into my wardrobe. I'll probably wear a combination of them today (with two of the former; Dunedin is FREEZING).

2. Dogtown Inc (that's not an official name; I made it up just now), aka me and Jimmy, are playing our first Dunedin dj set on Thursday at Mou Very. I don't know what time yet, and I don't know exactly what we'll be playing, but whatever it is there'll be some Bowie in there somewhere, because every day is a good day for Bowie. (Should there be prizes for identifying bastardised quotes? Too cheesy? I can't tell; I'm a bit cheesy myself. And I'm in prize mode; I won a picture book last week - Duck, Death and the Tulip - which couldn't have been more exciting if I was only six. NB Omission of Oxford comma is not my own. I LOVE Oxford commas.)

I don't think any of you are from Dunedin, so - Mou Very is described by Lonely Planet, and another website I've already forgotten, as one of the world's smallest bars, and we like it a lot. They used to sell Emerson's beer (which we like) until it was sold to Lion, when they replaced it with an independent's, Invercargill Brewery's (which we also like), and we like that a lot. In short, there is a lot to like about Mou Very.

3. Since I was talking about them on Friday, and I have some NZMM making up to do.

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