Tuesday 7 May 2013

in praise of: Chucks

If I could only wear one pair of shoes for the rest of my life, it would be my black hi-top Chuck Taylors. No competition. 

They go with everything. I can run in them (as much as I can run in anything). I can kick in them. If rain, or tequila, or pee, or anything else gets on them, they still look fine. They're one of the few things out there where exactly the same model is sold to women and men (the only difference being the sizing). And in spite of being pretty mainstream now, they still retain some of their former subculture symbolism (the Louis Vuitton ones and the extra-low-cut plimsolly ones being exceptions, obviously - in my land, they ain't Chucks). When I'm wearing chucks, I feel like if I get into an argument, my chances of winning are 90% better than if I was wearing keds, (and if I lose, I'm 50% more believable when I say I don't care anyway).

Still not convinced of their merits? Consider who else is/was a fan:

 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Yes. It's Rocky. Chucks are the shoes of champions.

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