Wednesday 25 September 2013

heigh ho

This is Joe, and Pete, my excellent father-in-law, cleaning the walls ready for plastering and painting. Joe's help was more along the lines of moral support and eating a netball Pete found out on the roof, but I think it made a difference.

There's this scene in EuroTrip when the kids are in the tour-bus with Manchester United fans (including Vinnie Jones), getting a university education in binge-drinking and cussing, and Cooper says "Wow. You guys are on like a completely different level of swearing over here". (It's not my fault I know the movie so well; it was on loop at Aggies' the first time I stayed there, and the person in the room next door fell asleep with it playing very loudly... and I might have watched it several times as well.) Well, the previous tenant of the shop was on a completely different level of hygiene and cleanliness. I already described the empty premises as an abandoned p lab. Now the floors have been sorted (and look so great!), but the walls are so dirty it's kind of remarkable; sixteen years of grime, and dust, and what looks like coffee or maybe stout splashed around? - even near the CEILING. The CEILING! And there are HOLES. One where it looks as if the resourceful guy needed to use something with a cord that wouldn't reach into the other room, so he just knocked the cord through the wall. I'm actually really curious to see him (though knowing he exists also makes me want to take hand-sanitiser EVERYWHERE.)

But it's HAPPENING, you guys. Now that the crazy reception area has been knocked out, and the floors don't look like a layer of rolled-out chewing gum with sixteen years of dirt over the top of them, I can really see the shop. I see where the desk will go, and racks of clothes, and the chairs where we can sit and drink tea when you come to visit. There's lots of work to do, but it's getting EXCITING.

More updates to come!


  1. Yay!!! I'm so excited to see the progress of this baby; both the babies!! :D and the fact that previous owner was a grimey bastard is classic in my rose tinted eyes, because it is Dunedin and I imagine people to be a bit more authentic down there

    1. Haha, I'm going to put those glasses on too, it'll make it more fun. I have a mental picture of him and it's kind of hilarious; I know where he relocated to but part of doesn't want to ruin my illusion. The shop baby is cool, but the furry baby is the best. I was crying earlier (nothing to worry about - Extreme Makeover: Home Edition), and he saw me and came running over and put his paw up. He has so much to teach the human baby :)
