Friday 23 August 2013

a song for friday

This is really just a place-holder to say I'll be back. My Mum was admitted to hospital in the early hours of Sunday morning and has been there ever since.

It's funny how quickly you settle into a new routine, even if that routine changes every day. Every day we get a little slicker, and we feel less like we're waiting for something, and more like this is life, and we'll do it as well as we can.

I don't really know what to tell you; we hope she'll be able to come home next week sometime, but she's up and down, so we really don't know. It's scary, but it's not as bad as you might think; we are all together, ray of sunshine nieces included. Every night this week, some blessed soul has cooked us dinner (and there are 8 of us, most on the greedy side). Even the dogs have settled down a bit; they know that everyone will come home eventually. Everybody has a part, and we're all crucial to keeping each other afloat. That knowledge, and knowing that everything that can be done for her is being done, means that even though things aren't exactly right, there's still right in there.

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